Kildare Integration Strategy 2021 – 2026

County Kildare LEADER Partnership, Kildare County Council and Kildare Integration Network, with the support of other agencies, have developed a second Integration Strategy.


Kildare launches County Wide Integration Strategy

Launched today by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth Roderic O’Gorman TD

The county wide Integration Strategy for County Kildare was launched today by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth Roderic O’Gorman TD at 11.00 a.m. via an online event. The event was organised by Kildare County Council in collaboration County Kildare LEADER Partnership (CKLP) and the Kildare Integration Network.

The aim of the Integration Strategy is to support the inclusion of people from ethnic minorities and new communities living, working, or studying in County Kildare. Building on the work undertaken through the Kildare Integration Strategy (2014-2019) and the National Migration Integration Strategy (2017 – 2020) which defines integration as “the ability to participate to the extent that a person needs to and wishes to in all of the major components of the society without having to relinquish his or her own cultural identify”. The Integration Strategy sets out clear actions and objectives to ensure the effective delivery of the plan, under the following themes:

  • Information, Communication & Services

  • Language, Education & Employment

  • Cultural Awareness, Anti-Racism & Gender Justice

  • Developing Inclusive Communities

The Development of the Strategy was overseen by the Kildare Interagency Integration Committee chaired by Cllr. Aoife Breslin with close collaboration and co-funding between Kildare County Council & CKLP through a lengthy community consultation which included 110 people of 36 nationalities completing community surveys and 11 focus groups with 116 people participating as well as action planning workshops. The process was facilitated by Sara Stephens in close collaboration with a Strategy Working Group. The Kildare Integration Network also played a key role in supporting community participation.

Roderic O’Gorman TD Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth commentedIntegration must be local in every sense; it must be led by the community, for the community. Local councils are uniquely placed to assist and guide this work and county-level strategies have a central role to play. I want to commend the Council, the members of Kildare Interagency Integration Committee and all those who played a role in the development of this Strategy for giving priority and commitment to integration in Kildare”.

Sonya Kavanagh, Interim Chief Executive, Kildare County Council said: “Kildare County Council is delighted to launch the 2020 – 2026 Kildare Integration Strategy in collaboration with the County Kildare LEADER Partnership and the Kildare Integration Network.  This strategy is the culmination of a lengthy consultation process comprising key agency stakeholders, local representatives and member groups from the diverse migrant population in Kildare.  Our hopes and aspirations for this strategy is that it builds on the progress to date and continues to give priority and commitment to the inclusion and integration of people from ethnic minorities and new communities living, working or studying in County Kildare.”

Mr. Pat Leogue CKLP General & Social Inclusion Manager commentedThe launch of the second Kildare Integration Strategy marks a further step towards a more inclusive society in our county. CKLP through SICAP (the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme) is delighted to fund the development of the strategy with the Kildare County Council. This is an investment in the people who have come to live and work in Kildare free of discrimination and racism.”

The event was attended by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth Roderic O’Gorman TD, Marian Higgins, Interim Director of Services, Economic, Community & Cultural Development, (Kildare County Council) Cllr Naoise Ó Cearúil, Cathaoirleach, (Contae Chill Dara), Sonya Kavanagh, Interim Chief Executive (Kildare County Council), Cllr. Aoife Breslin (Chairperson of Kildare Interagency Integration Committee), Oluwabunmi Olaniran, Consultation Partner, Pat Leogue, Manager (County Kildare Leader Partnership), Norman Farragher & Kevork Gergees (Naas Mens’ Shed), Zoryana Pshyk, Chairperson (Kildare Integration Network), Consultation Partner – Laura Whelan (St. Conleth’s Community College, Newbridge) Cathaoirleach of Kildare, Staff of Kildare County Council including Acting Director of Services for Economic, Community & Cultural Development, Staff of County Kildare Leader Partnership, Kildare Interagency Integration Committee (KIIC), and members of Kildare Integration Network (KIN).

For a hard copy of the strategy please contact Mary Hennessy by email

The strategy can be downloaded here: County Kildare Integration Strategy 2020 – 2026