Over the last 25 years, the LEADER Rural Development Programme in Kildare has supported Small and Medium Enterprises, farming families, and community groups with funding supports and resources to develop projects. This support and access to funding has helped to develop stronger, more resilient and more prosperous communities.
In the last 10 years alone, LEADER has supported initiatives in the areas of enterprise, farm diversification, tourism, community facilities, biodiversity, and climate action.
The Kildare Local Development Strategy 2023 – 2027 guides the implementation of the 2023 – 2027 LEADER Programme in Kildare. Projects that are supported through LEADER must be compatible with the Kildare Local Development Strategy 2023 – 2027. If you are interested in applying for LEADER funding, it is important that you first consult the Kildare Local Development Strategy 2023 – 2027 to determine if your idea is compatible with the aims of the strategy.
We are now accepting Expressions of Interests on a rolling basis. If you have an idea for a project and want to apply for LEADER funding and supports, the first step is to fill out an Expression of Interest form and return is to leader@countykildarelp.ie. This is a short form that requires basic contact information, a description of the project that you are seeking funding for, and an estimated cost of the project and the level of LEADER funding you are seeking. It is important that you accurately outline what you are seeing LEADER funding for, rather than inputting vague information about aims and objectives as this delays determining whether or not the idea is eligible in principle for funding . The Expression of Interest form is available at the link below.
If your Expression of Interest is deemed eligible in principle, you can proceed to make an application for LEADER funding. This involves carrying out a procurement process, preparing a business/community plan, filling out a detailed application form, and submitting a range of supporting documents such as bank statements, accounts etc. A Project Development Officer will advise you on what is required for your individual project, provide templates for a range of documents, and discuss timelines with you.
Applications are evaluated and assessed by an Independent Evaluation Committee, the Rural Development Programme Sub-Group, and the Kildare LAG. If approved for funding, a Letter of Offer and Contract is issued and a signed copy must be returned to CKLP, along with any additional documentation e.g. proof of drawdown of a bridging loan. After this point, the project can commence.
Grant payment is on completion of the project or on a phased basis on completion of elements of it. All paid invoices, receipts, bank statements and other supporting documentation must be submitted when claiming a grant payment.
You may find it useful to consult this non-exhaustive Guide which has been prepared by the CKLP LEADER Team. It provides a brief history of the LEADER programme, a summary of the themes of the programme, an overview of the budget, examples of projects that have been funded by LEADER previously, and an overview of what is involved in applying for LEADER funding and drawing down grant aid.
The Kildare Local Development Strategy 2023 – 2027 can be downloaded here
This Guide to the LEADER Programme in Kildare has been produced by the LEADER Team in CKLP. It provides a useful overview of the programme and what’s involved in making an application for LEADER funding.
LEADER Expression of Interest form can be downloaded here:
LEADER 2023 – 2027 Expression of Interest Form PDF Version
LEADER 2023 -2027 – Expression of Interest Form Word Version