What is the AMIF Kildare Integration Project?
The AMIF Kildare Integration Project is funded under the Asylum Migration & Integration Fund with co-funding from Kildare County Council.
The AMIF Kildare Integration Project will work with individuals and families currently in the Direct Provision Centres in County Kildare to build their capacity to live independently when they receive their immigration status. It will also support practical integration through a range of targeted programmes.
What does the Project Provide?
Supports will be provided by the Integration Project Worker to residents of the Direct Provision Centres to aid positive integration and transition into mainstream Irish Society
Engaging in 1:1 case work with residents (Who have an Immigration Status) living in the Direct Provision Centres in County Kildare to enable individuals and families to gain confidence and to live independently
Facilitating individuals and families to have increased involvement in and relationships with their local communities and wider society through the Failte Isteach Conversational English Programme
Encouraging increased participation in civic life through the Voter Education Programme
Providing Independent Living Skills Programmes for individuals to improve their personal skills, wellbeing, and employment prospects. Individuals and families will be better prepared to live independently post direct provision and to enter the labour market through the following supports:
Personal Development
Budgeting & Household Management
CV Preparation
Interview Skills
Link people with Employers for work experience