County Kildare LEADER Partnership
TÚS Programme
Placement Provider Group Application and Agreement Form
Name of Placement Provider :
Legal Status:
(Limited company, Cooperative, affiliated to national organisation etc.)
Contact Name:
Contact Address:
Contact Telephone:
Total number of participants sought to undertake the proposed work:
Are you looking to fill more than one type of job role? (for example an office admin role and a caretaker role): Yes No
If Yes is selected, please provide details of the what job roles you are looking to fill and the number of people required for each role
Please indicate the expected duration of work below: Less than a year A year or more Ongoing for the foreseeable future
Commencement date for the work:
Is this work currently being carried out in a paid capacity? Yes No
If Yes is selected, please provide details
Does your group have a Community Employment Scheme/ Rural Social Scheme/Job Initiative Scheme participant in your area? Yes No
If Yes is selected, please provide detail
What training (if any) do you propose to offer participants who are successful in securing a position with your community/voluntary group?
Please provide a job description and details of the work required for each job role required
(for example an individual description and details of the work required by an admin and then description and details of the work required caretaker)
Job Description and details for Position 1
Job Title:
Details of the required duty’s:
Job Description and details for Position 2 (if required)
Job Title:
Details of the required duty’s:
Job Description and details for Position 3 (if required)
Job Title:
Details of the required duty’s:
The County Kildare LEADER Partnership will undertake a site visit to all proposed work project(s). The selection and sequencing of work projects under the TUS Scheme will be at the sole discretion of County Kildare LEADER Partnership.
The following are examples of the types of projects carried out under the TUS Scheme:
Energy conservation work in homes and community buildings
Social care of persons of all age groups and persons with a disability or with limited mobility
Caretaking, Securing, supervising of community buildings and spaces
Renovation of community and sporting facilities, including the regeneration and enhancement of community, recreation and sporting spaces.
Work in support of the promotion of the Irish Language, other cultural and heritage activities
Coaching for sporting activities (Where operated by designated sporting organisations)
Repair of equipment for the developing world- farm tools, bicycles, computers, sewing machines, health equipment.
Note: If your group is successful in securing a TUS participant it is imperative that a local supervisory arrangement must be in place. This person will also be responsible for signing off on weekly time-sheets and submitting work plans to County Kildare LEADER Partnership as requested.
Terms and Conditions applicable to the Placement Provider Agreement
Work placements will be terminated if the work placement provider has dismissed or made redundant any employees in order to provide a work placement by TÚS. The work placement will be terminated if such a dismissal or redundancy is subsequently found to have been taken.
The placement provider, when agreeing to sign the work placement agreement, is making a declaration that they have not or dismissed or made redundant In order to make room for a TÚS participant.
TÚS participants shall have the right to choose whether or not to be a member of a union
The placement provider must comply with all relevant legislation and statutory duties in respect of TÚS participants, including health and safety, welfare and discrimination at work
The placement provider will immediately notify CKLP (County Kildare Leader Partnership) in writing if the participant does not attend work at the times stated, is absent for whatever reasons, does not engage in productive activity, causes disruption or is otherwise non-cooperative
The work placement provider shall inform CKLP immediately, in the case of accident or death, and as soon as reasonable / practicable in any case of serious injury or serious illness occurring to the participants arising out of his or her use of the facilities provided by the work placement provider
CKLP reserves the right to terminate this agreement where the terms and conditions of this agreement have not been met or where the nature of the work undertaken by the participant are not in keeping with any proposal agreed with CKLP. This will not be done without prior discussion between CKLP and the placement provider
CKLP reserved the right to terminate this agreement when:
a. The placement providers do not make adequate provision for the constructive engagement of the Tus participant
b. The work conditions are such as to give rise to concerns about a participant’s wellbeing
c. Suitable work is not available
d. The placement provider ceases trading or providing a service (or threatens to do so)
e. The placement provider becomes bankrupt, or goes into liquidation, or administration is appointed over any of its assets.
CKLP and the body placement provider will review the operation of this agreement annually or earlier at the request of either party. The placement provider accepts that this does not represent a long-term commitment by the CKLP to support the services provided by TÚS participants and that in any event, no more than two years support can be committed to at any one time
As part of its duty to ensure the proper use of public money, CKLP may require the placement provider to allow access at reasonable times to officials to inspect any documents or information in respect of participants
A participant will not be based with another organisation, other than agreed with CKLP
(The placement provider) will notify CKLP immediately of any circumstances, which may affect the work placement provider’s ability to provide work during the agreed period of the work placement
(The placement provider) is responsibility for its own costs and involvement with TÚS confers no obligation on CKLP or the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection to meet the costs arising from work placement
(The placement provider) is responsible for its own public liability insurance and indemnifies the Minister for Social Protection and the Minster for the Environment, Community and Local Government and CKLP against any liability arising as a result of any action or injury to any person whether as a result of any work or action taken in connection with TÚS or any activity relating to it in the future.
For our part, CKLP will offer practical help, advice and support to you and participants involved in TÚS. This will include, and not be limited to:
Providing a named person to contact in all matters relating to work placement
Regular monitoring of the attendance and conduct of the persons placed with you
Any technical support agreed as necessary
Ensuring that, to keep burdens on you to a minimum, we will only ask you for information if we really need it.
We will either provide these services ourselves, or with the help of one of our partner organisations.
Please return completed forms to:
The Tus Team
Co Kildare LEADER Partnership
Jigginstown Commercial Centre
Newbridge Rd
Co Kildare