#Here for You – Children’s Supports – Campaign announced by Minister O’Gorman



Minister O’Gorman launches second Supporting Children campaign

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Published on 

(c) www.gov.ie

  • Campaign encourages everyone to be mindful of vulnerable children and young people in these challenging times
  • Supporting Children is a portal on Gov.ie, providing access to the many supports and services for children, young people and their families

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., has today launched the second Supporting Children campaign aimed at encouraging everyone to be mindful of vulnerable children and young people in these challenging times.

The campaign provides easy-to-access information on services available to children and families throughout the period of Covid-19 restrictions. Advertisements will be rolled out across radio and social media, with the Supporting Children website providing an information hub and practical supports to anyone who may need them.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Tusla have a robust infrastructure of services providing assistance to children, young people and families throughout Ireland, involving over six thousand funded organisations and services, including child protection, youth work, and youth, community, and family services. This existing system of structures and supports was mobilised during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure that vulnerable children and their families could still access the services they needed.

Following the move to Level 5 restrictions in December, Tusla has put in place supports for victims of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, including additional funding for 24-hour helplines.

Tusla continue with their essential work in child protection. Anyone with a concern about a child’s safety or welfare should contact their local duty social work office using details on the Tusla website.


Check out the Childrens Supports by clicking here:

Here For You – Supporting Children

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