Learn new skills or retrain
From Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
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Skills Connect is a series of free training and upskilling programmes that can include industry-based work placements to support people who have lost their jobs. You can learn new or additional skills that will help you secure a new role in your previous sector or find a new role in a new sector.
Skills Connect programmes are free, delivered online and offer structured support for career development.
By taking part in a free Skills Connect training programme, you will:
- develop new skills
- build your confidence
- improve your employability
- access practical, industry-based work placements
Skills Connect programmes are delivered by Skillnet Business Networks across many industry sectors where there is high employment potential and a demand for talent, including:
- technology
- agri-food
- medtech
- cyber security
- logistics
- energy efficiency and retrofitting
- customer experience (CX)
- law
- digital marketing
People who are entitled to Jobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’s Benefit payments from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) are eligible for Skills Connect courses, and can keep their payments subject to the Back to Education criteria of DSP.
People in receipt of other forms of income support from DSP, including the PUP, may also keep their payments subject to the Back to Education criteria of that department.
You should always check your eligibility to retain your payment with your Intreo office.
You can apply directly to the Skillnet Business Network that is delivering the programme you are interested in.
Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education courses with full time, part time, online and blended learning options. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services. FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
FET offers a number of programmes for those wishing to retrain or learn new skills including:
- Skills to Compete
- Skills to Advance
- Skills for Work
As well as a number of other programmes across a range of skills areas.
Skills to Compete offers reskilling and retraining opportunities for people who may have lost their jobs or people seeking to upskill. These courses focus on improving employability and a person’s ability to compete for job opportunities.
Courses include tailored advice and support and focus on:
- skills development to help employability
- building the digital capabilities now required for almost every job
- level 4-6 courses targeting growth sectors and occupations
Courses are delivered by Education and Training Boards nationwide with online, full and part time education and training programmes available.
Generally there are no formal education or qualifications required for Skills to Compete courses.
You must be over 18 to apply for a Skills to Compete course.
These courses are Government-funded and free of charge.
Search for ‘Skills to Compete’ courses on www.fetchcourses.ie. Select a course for further information on course modules, location, start dates, timetables, and contact details for the course provider. You can apply for courses via the website.
Visit www.fetchcourses.ie or contact your local Education and Training Board.
Skills to Advance provides upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees in jobs undergoing change and to those currently employed in vulnerable sectors. It aims to equip employees with the skills to progress in their current job, or to take advantage of new job opportunities.
Courses are available in the following areas:
- leadership and management
- health and welfare
- business and administration
- services
- information and communication technologies (ICTs)
- engineering
- manufacturing
- construction
Skills to Advance has opportunities for everyone to upskill or reskill, particularly if you are:
- currently working in a lower-skilled job
- aged 50 or over
- currently working in a job that is experiencing significant change
Skills to Advance courses are highly subsidised depending on your skill level. Contact your local Education and Training Board to find out what you’re eligible for.
Skills for Work is a national programme to help employees deal with skill demands in the workplace.
Programmes are 35 hours duration and designed in a flexible way to meet yours and the employer’s needs.
Courses may include a variety of subjects which support the educational needs of employees.
All courses include literacy and numeracy elements and range from communications, computing, interpersonal skills to problem-solving and report-writing. Programmes may be delivered on the company premises or in an ETB education centres.
These courses are Government-funded and free of charge.
You can search for suitable courses near you on www.fetchcourses.ie.
The Springboard+ upskilling initiative in higher education offers free and subsidised courses at certificate, degree and masters level leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities in the economy.
There are limited places available for the 2020 call however, in May, we will issue a new call for applicants for 2021 courses. There will be over 11,000 courses at certificate, degree and post-graduate level.
The majority of courses are part-time for a maximum of 12 months and are open to all applicants; Employed, Unemployed, and Returners who meet the eligibility criteria at the time of course commencement.
You can find out more at www.springboardcourses.ie.
In July 2020, Minister Harris announced funding for 14,000 postgraduate and modular courses under the July Stimulus HE Initiatives call across higher education institutions.
If you are interested in applying for a course, please log on to www.hea.ie to find out what is on offer. The list includes a point of contact for each available course.
The Human Capital Initiative (HCI) in higher education offers free and subsidised graduate conversion courses at Level 8 and 9 in skills focused programmes designed to meet priority skills needs.
There are limited places available for the 2020 call however in May, we will issue a new call for applicants for 2021 courses. There will be over 1,000 courses at graduate conversion level 8 and 9 available.
These courses are full-time maximum 18 months duration and are open to all applicants; Employed, Unemployed, recent graduates and Returners who meet the eligibility criteria at the time of course commencement.
You can find out more at www.springboardcourses.ie.
As well as the programmes outlined above, Further Education and Training has programmes available in every community in Ireland, and offers every individual, regardless of any previous level of education, a pathway to take them as far as they want to go. It also offers great opportunities to move into exciting and interesting vocations and careers, or a platform to develop the skills that will allow someone to flourish if they go on to further study in higher education.
Serving around 200,000 unique learners each year, FET provides learning opportunities from Level 1 to Level 6 of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Whether you are a school leaver considering next steps with a Post Leaving Certificate Course or a Traineeship, someone looking to upskill with an online or evening course, or if you are thinking of returning to education, FET have a range of options to suit. Courses are Government-funded and free of charge.
Read more about Further Education and Training and search for courses in your locations at www.thisisfet.ie
There are almost 30,000 places on PLC courses available each year, as well as a range of apprenticeships and traineeships, across every county in Ireland.
PLC courses are designed to include practical and academic study alongside work experience. The qualification can lead to employment but can also be used as a springboard to further or higher education and training. Courses typically start in September each year.
Courses are delivered in a wide range of subjects, such as:
- business studies
- childcare
- community care
- computing and technology
- eCommerce
- engineering
- horticulture
- multimedia production
- science
- sport
- performing arts
- equestrian studies
- hotel and catering
- leisure and tourism
Each PLC course will be different. Some may include education level requirements, interview processes or previous experience, for example.
The requirements are set out for each individual course in the course listing on www.fetchcourses.ie or from the relevant college.
Search and apply for courses via www.fetchcourses.ie or visit the website of the Further Education and Training College where the course is being delivered.
The Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) provides part-time education programmes for young people and adults. It aims to give participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities.
Programmes are offered in partnership with a number of agencies throughout the country on a flexible part-time basis. Classes are offered throughout the year in the morning, afternoons, evenings or weekends.
Courses lead to a range of accreditation at levels 1-6 on the NFQ.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.
These courses are Government-funded and free of charge.
You can search for suitable courses near you on www.fetchcourses.ie.