Day Five ……. #MentalHealthAwareness #SICAP #CKLP

Today is National Wellbeing Day – May 1st 2020

Our sense of wellbeing can be improved by taking some time to reflect on some of the following:

Positive Emotion:

 what positive/healthy experiences can I plan to do today (for example reading, music, food, games, exercise, meditation, learning and so on)
 what can I be grateful for today? (I am grateful for …. list 3 things)
 what small act of kindness can I do for someone else today?
 how can I help myself to take a moment of calm?


 what gives me enjoyment and makes me laugh?
 how can I use one or more of my strengths today?
 who can I connect with today (over the telephone, online, in reality)?
 in what way can I make a small positive difference to someone else?
 how can I show interest in another person or their work or hobbies?


 what goals can I set for today?


 what goals no matter how small can I achieve today?
 what challenge can I take on today?
 what will I do?

Be gentle on yourself and remember

“no matter what you’re going through, let’s stay connected and make it through, together” #InthisTogether

if you are experiencing distress or worried about someone else please contact your GP, your Emergency Department or call the Samaritans for support on Freephone: 116 123 or email:

The website provides information and signposting on all mental health supports and services that are available nationally & locally provided by the HSE and its funded partners. You can also call the freephone YourMentalHealth Information Line to find supports and services 1800 111 888 (any time, day or night).