Congratulations to Denise, Susan and the Team of Volunteers at Older Voices Kildare who have just recently launched their new website.

Full of stories from cocooning, lockdown, and memories from the past –

Creativity in the form of the Art project with Claire Murphy Art, check out all the up to date information on  the Befriending  Programme and how to Volunteer with Older Voices Kildare.

A huge thanks to Sine Consulting who volunteered her time and expertise for the production of the website –

Denise remarked :

“If there is anything that you see is missing please do not hesitate to contact me – if it is no good to you …..then it is no good to us not having the right information available …..”

You can find the website at

Older Voices Kildare (OVK) is a Social Inclusion Initiative which specifically targets isolated categories of older persons, including Older LGBTQI persons, Travellers, People with Disability, and Individuals who are experiencing social exclusion through lack of or limited social capital.

Their mission — To build the confidence and capacity of older people in Kildare — works towards creating a county where older people are included and empowered within a vibrant community.

Older Voices Aims:

  • To assist and facilitate people to explore their own ageing and to challenge the myths and stereotyping that leads to ageism.

  • To provide information on physical, psychological and social aspects of growing older – all of which increase self-confidence and improve mental health

  • To explore the issues and barriers that older men experience in participation on community programmes and to develop initiatives to address this

  • To facilitate a befriending service to address high levels of loneliness and social isolation in the County.

  • To develop specific strategies to include more marginalised categories of older people, older LGBT’s, Travellers, people with intellectual or physical disability, and older people in residential or long terms care settings, and people with dementia and their carers.

We work with people aged over 65 in County Kildare.


Sine Consulting can be contacted at:


Insta: @sinekconsulting

Twitter: @sinekenny