Ministers for Health and Mental Health launch revised National Mental Health policy, ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ for the period 2020-2030


Minister Harris said:

“Sharing the Vision is our new mental health policy and it is a policy for everyone.

“It focuses on key areas – promotion, prevention and early intervention, service access, coordination and continuity of care, social inclusion and accountability and continuous improvement. “Importantly, Sharing the Vision includes an implementation roadmap. It allocates ownership of recommendations to lead agencies and sets time-bound implementation targets against each recommendation’s actions. This will be key to its delivery.

“Its publication comes at a time when our world is rapidly changing, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is my sincere hope that this policy will play an essential role in shaping our responses to these challenges we face now, and those that are to come.

“I want to also thank my department and particularly my colleague Minister Daly for his work on this important issue. Minister Daly has driven several important reforms in the area of mental health, and I am so pleased he can publish this document outlining the pathway forward.”

A copy of the policy can be viewed here :

Sharing the Vision – A Mental Health Policy for everyone