A new course for June – This will fill up quick so book your place !
Covering the following:
🌱 Mix compost to a specified content for germinating seedlings, striking cuttings and re potting plants
🌱Propagate plants from seed to include sowing in seed trays
🌱Differentiate between softwood, semi hardwood and hardwood cuttings to include both nodal and inter nodal types and when they may be used.
🌱Propagate plants by cuttings, division and layering
🌱Identify a range of plants that can be propagated by different methods
🌱Maintain plants after they have been propagated to include potting up, lining out, hardening-off, plant health and hygiene practices

🌱Operate within appropriate safety procedures to create and maintain a safe working environment including safety standards regarding lifting, carrying and handling plants, tools and equipment.